The office automation system

The office automation system

System introduction

Kehong office automation system (KHOA) is a set of integration of modern information technology, network technology, software technology, database technology, and management science, behavior science, organization science, and many other technology and theory. it is used to improve the work efficiency and work quality. it has obtained the national software product registration certificate and software copyright registration certificate. At present in Sichuan bureau of quality and technical supervision, the Chengdu city bureau of quality and technical supervision, Caofeidian port, and many other government agencies and enterprises and institutions, it is widely used.

KHOA makes full use of network communication foundation and advanced network application platform to construction a safe, reliable, open and efficient office automation, electronic information management system. it provides the using unit the modern office conditions and abundant comprehensive information services to realize the automatic office document flow process, office work processing automation and file management has improved office efficiency and management level to realize the standardization, computerization and specification of the unit and department daily business work. "paperless" office and "no distance" telecommuting office has been realized really.

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